Can I do the 110km to 130km leg please?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey All,
Just thought I'd drop a note and see how the training is going? Any exciting stories? Big races people are planning on attending as a lead-up to the Taupo race? At the moment I know there are a number of people in Auckland interested in doing the Pukekohe race on Oct. 19th, it's 100km and should be a good time. Another one to think about is the K1/K2 or 1/4K, I should be heading over to Coromandel if anyone else is interested in a weekend away.

On another note, just a few safety reminders when riding on wet and dry roads (thought I would send this after two guys I was riding with went down, one was in really bad shape and had to be taken in the ambulance. The crash could have been a lot worse had more people gone down):

Top 11 non traffic related items to watch for on the road when alone or in a pack (is my top 11 only, and not really in order:) :

1) If in Canada, Ice! Ok, maybe if in the South Island too.
2) Fresh tar sealant, it is a smooth and slippery as ice! (was cause of accident this morning)
3) Painted road lines and cateyes
4) Manholes and catchpits (not only b/c of the bump, but also slippery)
5) Pot holes
6) Glass
7) Gravel or sand (very easy to slide out on, not a lot of traction)
8) Fallen tree branches
9) Uneven surfaces
10) Kiwi birds and other stray animals (possibly road kill)
11) Everything else I did not mention, including bananas dropped by Mario or Luigi.

Keep riding safe! For those who are interested, bunch rides on Wednesday and Friday mornings (6:30am) leaving from Cyco Cycles on Ponsonby Road.



1 comment:

owenjohn said...

I'd be keen to do a lead up event...
Here is a link to the K1/K2
and a link to the Pukekohe Express 50km or 100km race.