Can I do the 110km to 130km leg please?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Get Ready for Taupo" on SKY TV

Tune into SKY Sport in October to catch "Get ready for Taupo". Aimed at first time riders the programme will feature Mark Richardson of "The Crowd goes Wild" as he trains for a 40km leg of the relay. It's the brainchild of popular media commentator and TV producer Jon Bridges, an accomplished cyclist who has ridden both the Cycle Challenge Classic Race and the Solo. Bridges says the aim of the programme is to show the novice rider how easily they can accomplish a 40km ride, and with a little bit of knowledge and preparation, get the maximum enjoyment from participating.

The show will give helpful tips on bike selection, training and nutrition and feature Olympian Bevan Docherty and last year's Classic Race winner Gordon McCauley giving Mark tips on motivation and maximizing his performance. It also covers what riders can expect if participating in the 160km Solo ride, and gives advice on bunch riding.

Cycle Challenge Event Director Keith Crate says the programme is perfectly timed as it shows that beginner riders can prepare easily for a relay leg in a just a couple of months, and for those riding regularly, little or no special preparation is needed. The programme will also emphasize that the ride is stress free as all riders and their bikes are transported to and from the relay changeover points.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Armstrong returns!!!

News in the cycling world: Armstrong is to return! Exciting? Motivating? Indifferent?

What's your take on it? News articles are attached to the blog website. Lets put this blogg to use, I want your feedback.

I think this is pretty exciting, if he does go for the 8th Tour win, it will definitely make the Tour interesting next year. As much as everyone thinks he is on drugs, I would like to think, like Michael Phelps, there are freakish athletes out there that can achieve the unthinkable and on their own accord!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey All,
Just thought I'd drop a note and see how the training is going? Any exciting stories? Big races people are planning on attending as a lead-up to the Taupo race? At the moment I know there are a number of people in Auckland interested in doing the Pukekohe race on Oct. 19th, it's 100km and should be a good time. Another one to think about is the K1/K2 or 1/4K, I should be heading over to Coromandel if anyone else is interested in a weekend away.

On another note, just a few safety reminders when riding on wet and dry roads (thought I would send this after two guys I was riding with went down, one was in really bad shape and had to be taken in the ambulance. The crash could have been a lot worse had more people gone down):

Top 11 non traffic related items to watch for on the road when alone or in a pack (is my top 11 only, and not really in order:) :

1) If in Canada, Ice! Ok, maybe if in the South Island too.
2) Fresh tar sealant, it is a smooth and slippery as ice! (was cause of accident this morning)
3) Painted road lines and cateyes
4) Manholes and catchpits (not only b/c of the bump, but also slippery)
5) Pot holes
6) Glass
7) Gravel or sand (very easy to slide out on, not a lot of traction)
8) Fallen tree branches
9) Uneven surfaces
10) Kiwi birds and other stray animals (possibly road kill)
11) Everything else I did not mention, including bananas dropped by Mario or Luigi.

Keep riding safe! For those who are interested, bunch rides on Wednesday and Friday mornings (6:30am) leaving from Cyco Cycles on Ponsonby Road.

